PR, communications, and the internet

Readings and class materials for Thursday, October 27, 2022


  • Chapters 14, 15, and 16 in Grobman, An Introduction to the Nonprofit Sector (Grobman 2021)

Written response question

What kind of information should be available on a nonprofit organization’s website and social networking pages? What information should be available for public access, and what should remain available only to the organization’s members and/or board of directors? (Answer in ≈150 words.)

Team prep work

Describe a preliminary idea for a press release for your nonprofit. You’ll spend class time deciding on more formal plans. (Answer in ≈75 words.)

Online nonprofit PR evaluation

Example PR materials

Online resources for nonprofits

Website hosting:

Domain names:

Organizational e-mail providers:

  • Google Workspace (free e-mail and Google apps for nonprofits)
  • Microsoft 365 (free e-mail and online Office apps (Word, Excel, PowerPoint) for nonprofits; $3 per user for desktop Office programs)

Collect donations and sell stuff:

Donor management:


Other services:

  • Slack (free for nonprofits)
  • Zoom (50% off for nonprofits)
  • Asana (50% off for nonprofits)


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Grobman, Gary M. 2021. An Introduction to the Nonprofit Sector: A Practical Approach for the Twenty-First Century. 6th ed. Harrisburg, Pennsylvania: White Hat Communications.