class: center middle main-title section-title-2 # Personnel .class-info[ **September 29, 2022** .light[PMAP 3210: Introduction to Nonprofits<br> Andrew Young School of Policy Studies ] ] --- name: outline class: title title-inv-5 # Plan for today -- .box-3.medium.sp-after[Principals and agents] -- .box-8.medium.sp-after[Officers and employees] -- .box-1.medium[Volunteers] --- layout: false name: principals-agents class: center middle section-title section-title-3 animated fadeIn # Principals<br>and agents --- layout: true class: title title-3 --- # Principal-agent relationships[ <figure> <img src="img/06/principal-agent.png" alt="Principal-agent relationship" title="Principal-agent relationship" width="60%"> </figure> ] .pull-right[ .color-1[**Principal**] gives .color-7[**agent**]… 1. authority 2. autonomy 3. discretion …to do something for them. ] --- # Nonprofit principals and agents -- .box-inv-3[Board and executives] -- .box-inv-3[Executives and employees] -- .box-inv-3[Employees and volunteers] -- .box-inv-3[Donors and nonprofit] -- .box-inv-3[Government and nonprofit] --- # Different types of agency -- .pull-left-3[ .box-inv-3.less-medium[Express] .box-3.small[Exact identification<br>of responsibility] .box-3.smaller["Only get<br>these things on<br>the grocery list"] ] -- .pull-middle-3[ .box-inv-3.less-medium[Implied] .box-3.small[Partial identification<br>of responsibility] .box-3.smaller["Go to the fridge,<br>see what's missing, and<br>get that stuff at the store"] ] -- .pull-right-3[ .box-inv-3.less-medium[Apparent] .box-3.small[Third party assumes agent has agency] .box-3.smaller[A principal fires an agent, agent continues doing agent-y things; third party not liable for any bad stuff] .center.smaller[.smaller[.small[Agency law protects the most innocent party first]]] ] --- # Conflict -- .box-inv-3.medium[There's inherent conflict!] -- .pull-left[ .box-3[Principal can't<br>observe the agent] ] -- .pull-right[ .box-3[Agent's preferences don't<br>always align with<br>the principal's] ] --- layout: false class: middle .box-inv-3.medium[How does the principal make sure<br>the agent does what they want?] --- layout: true class: title title-3 --- # Contracts -- .box-inv-3.medium[A legal document or understanding<br>that specifies a set of actions that<br>parties to the contract must undertake] -- .box-3[These are inherently incomplete though] --- layout: false name: officers-employees class: center middle section-title section-title-8 animated fadeIn # Officers and<br>employees --- layout: false class: middle section-title-inv-8 animated fadeIn .box-8.huge[Pop quiz!] --- layout: true class: section-title-inv-8 ---[ Which group employs the most people? - The federal government - All 50 state governments - Nonprofits ] ??? Source: O'Neil, *Nonprofit Nation* ---[ Which group employs the most people? - The federal government - All 50 state governments - .color-2[**Nonprofits**] .small[(More than the other two combined!)] ] ??? More than both combined! ---[ Which of the following industries employ more people than the nonprofit industry? .pull-left.small[ - Agriculture - Transportation, communication, and other public utilities ] .pull-right.small[ - Mining - Construction - Finance, insurance, and real estate ] ] ??? Source: O'Neil, *Nonprofit Nation* ---[ Which of the following industries employ more people than the nonprofit industry? .pull-left.small[ - Agriculture - Transportation, communication, and other public utilities ] .pull-right.small[ - Mining - Construction - Finance, insurance, and real estate ] .box-2.smaller[None of them!] ] ---[ What percentage of nonprofit<br>program officers are women? - 28% - 42% - 68% ] ??? Source: O'Neil, *Nonprofit Nation* ---[ What percentage of nonprofit<br>program officers are women? - 28% - 42% - .color-2[**68%**] ] ??? Majority of boards are men though --- class: middle .center[ Board diversity in the US <figure> <img src="img/06/board-diversity.png" alt="Board diversity" title="Board diversity" width="100%"> </figure> ] ??? --- class: middle .center[ Board diversity in the US <figure> <img src="img/06/board-diversity-table.png" alt="Board diversity" title="Board diversity" width="100%"> </figure> ] ??? ---[ Considering skill, experience, and work duties, what percentage of nonprofit employees are underpaid? - 20–30% - 50–60% - 80–90% ] ??? Source: O'Neil, *Nonprofit Nation* ---[ Considering skill, experience, and work duties, what percentage of nonprofit employees are underpaid? - .color-2[**20–30%**] - 50–60% - 80–90% ] ??? Once you go beyond entry level positions, you get paid normal amounts --- class: middle .box-8.medium[Why are there so many misconceptions<br>about nonprofit employment?] --- layout: true class: title title-8 --- # Typical nonprofit structure .center[ <figure> <img src="img/04/nonprofit-structure.png" alt="Nonprofit structure" title="Nonprofit structure" width="70%"> </figure> ] --- # Typical nonprofit jobs? -- .pull-left[ .box-inv-8[Management] .small[ - Executive director - Assistant directors - Development - Finance - Operations - Planning/marketing - Public relations - Human resources ] ] -- .pull-right[ .box-inv-8[Staff] .small[ - Program officers - Accountants - Legal staff - HR specialists - Graphic and web designers - Administrative assistants ] ] --- # Typical large nonprofit structure .center[ <figure> <img src="img/06/org-structure.png" alt="Nonprofit structure" title="Nonprofit structure" width="100%"> </figure> ] --- # Typical small nonprofit jobs? -- .pull-left[ .box-inv-8[Management] .small[ - Executive director ] ] -- .pull-right[ .box-inv-8[Staff] .small[ - Director of development - Business manager - Administrative assistant ] ] --- # Simplified nonprofit structure .center[ <figure> <img src="img/06/org-structure-small.png" alt="Nonprofit structure" title="Nonprofit structure" width="100%"> </figure> ] --- # Types of positions -- .box-inv-8[Full-time] -- .box-inv-8[Part-time] -- .box-inv-8[Contractor] -- .box-inv-8[Temporary] -- .box-inv-8[Outsourced] -- .box-inv-8[Volunteer] --- # HR compliance .box-inv-8[Hiring people is ***complicated***!] -- .pull-left-3.small[ - Hiring policies - Firing policies - Overtime policies - Leave .small[(sick/maternity/bereavement/medical/family/military)] - Vacation ] -- .pull-middle-3.small[ - Personal days - Holidays - Jury duty - Health insurance .small[(and ACA regulations)] - Life insurance - Retirement plans ] -- .pull-right-3.small[ - Payroll - Employee evaluation - Raises - Benefits - Training - Legal compliance - **AND MORE** ] -- .box-8.smaller[This is why there are whole HR departments!] --- # Discrimination -- .box-inv-8[Employers cannot discriminate on the basis of:] --[.box-8.small[Race] .box-8.small[Color] .box-8.small[Sex] .box-8.small[Religion] .box-8.small[Age]] --[.box-8.small[National origin] .box-8.small[Disability] .box-8.small[Pregnancy] .box-8.small[Familial status]] -- .box-inv-8[Still being contested in federal and state courts:] --[.box-8.small[Sexual orientation] .box-8.small[Gender identity]] -- .box-inv-8[Protected classes] ??? - - --- # Illegal interview questions -- .box-inv-8[Questions relating to protected class stuff<br>.small[(race, sex, religion, disability, etc.)]] -- .box-inv-8[Questions that can hint at protected class stuff<br>.small[(# of children, childcare arrangements, if pregnant, height/weight, etc.)]] -- .box-inv-8[If applicant has been arrested or convicted of a crime<br>.small[(without proof of business necessity for asking)]] --- layout: false name: volunteers class: center middle section-title section-title-1 animated fadeIn # Volunteers --- layout: true class: title title-1 --- # Americans love volunteering -- .box-inv-1[30.3% of adults volunteered in 2018] .box-inv-1[77.4 million people] -- .box-inv-1[6.9 billion hours] -- .box-inv-1[Value of donated time: $167 billion] ???, 2018 --- # Formal vs. informal .pull-left[ .box-inv-1.less-medium[Formal volunteering] .box-1.small.sp-after[Organized by a nonprofit<br>with a specific goal] .box-1.small[Sorting items at a food bank] ] -- .pull-left[ .box-inv-1.less-medium[Informal volunteering] .box-1.small.sp-after[Focused on individuals<br>you're connected to] .box-1.small[Feeding your neighbor's cat] ] --- layout: false class: middle .box-1.large[Why do you volunteer?] --- layout: true class: title title-1 --- # Why do people volunteer? -- .box-inv-1.medium[Altruism] -- .box-inv-1.medium[Ego] -- .box-inv-1.medium[Coercion] --- # Free labor? -- .box-inv-1[Volunteers are **not free**.<br>They can be expensive to manage and train.] -- .box-inv-1.small.sp-after[(Hire a volunteer coordinator if you have lots of volunteers)] -- .box-inv-1[Volunteers are still agents,<br>even without a formal employment contract] -- .box-inv-1[Should volunteers be held to a<br>lower standard than paid employees?] --- # General guidelines -- .pull-left-3[ .box-inv-1[Clear<br>expectations] .box-1.smaller[Volunteers sense your<br>mission, but not<br>necessarily your vision] .box-1.smaller[Make sure they're<br>properly trained] ] -- .pull-middle-3[ .box-inv-1[Input<br>solicitation] .box-1.smaller[Volunteers see and hear<br>things that you'll miss] .box-1.smaller[Create a structured<br>feedback system to<br>hear from them] ] -- .pull-right-3[ .box-inv-1[Warm<br>appreciation] .box-1.smaller[Recognition and appreciation<br>are inexpensive forms<br>of compensation] .box-1.smaller[Returning volunteers<br>save on training costs] ] --- layout: false class: middle .box-1.large[Should you pay volunteers?] --- layout: true class: title title-1 --- # Crowding out --[.box-inv-1.less-medium[Extrinsic motivations] .box-inv-1.less-medium[Intrinsic motivations]] -- .box-1.small[Blood donations] -- .box-1.small[Taxes] -- .box-1.small[Favors] -- .box-1.small[Thanksgiving] -- .box-1.small[Playgroups and daycares] --- # Crowding out -- .box-inv-1[Extrinsic rewards can crowd out intrinsic motivations] -- .box-inv-1.sp-after[Don't violate important social relationships<br>by reducing services to a market transaction] -- .box-1.large[Pay enough or don't pay at all] --- # Volunteer compensation .box-inv-1.small.sp-after[If you pay volunteers with money,<br>you need to pay them like employees,<br>which then makes them more like employees or contractors] .pull-left[ .center[ <figure> <img src="img/06/nonprofit-swag.jpg" alt="Nonprofit swag (by Vox)" title="Nonprofit swag (by Vox)" width="90%"> </figure> ] ] .pull-right[ .box-inv-1["Paying" with recognition,<br>appreciation, food, swag,<br>stuff, etc. feels different] .box-inv-1[No crowding out] ] ??? --- # Volunteer management -- .box-inv-1.medium.sp-after[Organizations that know how to<br>manage volunteers will get the best results] -- .box-1[Atlanta Community Food Bank] .center.small[]